Is Sunscreen Important for your Baby during Summer Months

by Sebamed | Mar 31, 2022

As a parent, you must have heard that sunlight is essential for your baby. Sunlight provides your baby’s skin with vitamin D that strengthens your baby’s growing bones. A short period of sun exposure early in the morning is good for your baby. However, extended exposure without any protection can cause sunburn and long-term damage to your little one’s delicate skin.

Your baby’s skin is very sensitive, and the sun’s bright rays can make their tender skin susceptible to serious burns. Keeping your baby in the shade and preventing direct exposure is the best way to protect your baby’s skin. Try to keep your baby indoors between 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. when the sun is at its peak. In case you need to step out with your little one during those times, be sure to take all precautions, including applying a good baby sunscreen lotion.

Protect your baby skin from sunlight

Avoid taking your child outdoors when the sun is at its peak

Sunscreen should be used throughout the year, and it is a must-have product in your baby care bag during the summer months. Read on to know how to choose the best sunscreen lotion for your baby.

How to choose the best sunscreen for your baby?

When you are buying a sunscreen lotion, you will come across the term SPF. SPF stands for sun protection factor. The numerical figure next to it tells you how effective the sunscreen lotion is in blocking the UV rays of the sun. It is recommended to choose an SPF30 or 50 sunscreen even for your baby. Your sunscreen label should also say broad-spectrum, which means that the lotion will protect your baby’s skin from both UVA and UVB rays.

Another important factor to consider while choosing a sunscreen lotion for your baby is its base. Check whether it has a chemical or mineral base. Choose one that does not contain any harsh chemicals because it can lead to skin dryness and other associated problems. It is better to pick a hypoallergenic and water-resistant sunscreen. This will also reduce the chance of an allergic reaction on your baby’s skin. Also, remember to invest in a non-greasy sunscreen because the greasy residue can attract dirt and grime to your baby’s skin.

If you are wondering which sunscreen would be the best for your baby and fits all the above-mentioned points, we have the perfect solution for you! The Sebamed BabySun Lotion SPF50+ is a broad-spectrum clinically tested sunscreen. It is packed with the goodness of vitamin E which safeguards your baby’s skin against sunburns. It also contains natural extracts of Inulin and Lecithin that provide hydration to your little one’s skin even during hot months. Like most Sebamed products, this sunscreen lotion comes with the ideal pH of 5.5. pH 5.5 strengthens the natural protective barrier of your baby’s skin and keeps harmful environmental irritants at bay.

Sebamed Baby Sun Lotion

The Sebamed Baby Sun Lotion SPF50+ is a combination of physical and chemical sunscreen

How many times should you apply sunscreen to your baby’s skin?

If your baby is six months or older, you must apply sunscreen liberally to all the exposed areas at least 15 to 30 minutes before you take your baby outside. Additionally, you must pay attention to the thin skin of your baby’s lips and apply a lip balm too.

Applying sunscreen lotion once is not enough. Reapply the lotion after every two hours if your little one is outside for long durations. Even when you are outside, try to keep your baby under the shade by using physical protection like hats, a canopy on strollers, or an umbrella. Make your baby wear thin, long-sleeved shirts and long pants to cover the exposed skin as much as possible.

Now that you know everything about using a baby sunscreen lotion, it is time to try it out! Visit Mywellnesskart and buy Sebamed Baby Sunscreen Lotion to protect your child’s skin from the harsh rays of the sun.

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